Trauma Informed Practice


Bespoke costings can be provided by contacting us.

Discount available for multiple bookings. You can also commission us to run the course in your workplace if you have a large number of staff wishing to attend. Please get in touch to find out more.

Understand how trauma presents in families living with child exploitation and gain skills to apply a trauma informed approach.

The course explores how trauma can impact relationships within affected families and considers how professionals can offer support using a trauma informed approach.

The course support’s the development of positive relationships between professionals and families. Increasing the understanding of behaviours indicative of trauma.

Learning objectives

  • Develop your understanding of trauma
  • Understand the impact of trauma on parents of exploited children
  • Recognise the health impact on parents living with trauma
  • Understand the barriers families can face when their trauma is misunderstood
  • Explore tools for working effectively with traumatised families
  • Learn how to embed a trauma informed approach into your practice

Who is the course for?

  • Teaching and School staff
  • Residential workers
  • Housing Officers
  • Foster Carers
  • Youth Service Workers
  • Police Officers
  • Social Workers

Course delivery

Online, via MS Teams.


9.30am – 12.30pm

Our speakers

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