Resources for Professionals

We have awareness raising leaflets about spotting the signs of CSE and CCE translated into Polish, Slovak, Urdu and Ukrainian. Please do let us know if you have any feedback about the translations to
Free training
We have two free e-learning courses; Keep Them Safe – An introduction to child sexual exploitation and Child Criminal Exploitation and County Lines E-Learning Course about how children are groomed and exploited into criminality.
Commitment to Family Friendly Practice
Both organisations and individuals can sign up to our Commitment to Family Friendly Practice. By signing up to our Commitment, together we can stand for, and promote positive relationships with families affected by child exploitation where they are treated as equal partners.
Spotting the signs film
Watch and promote our film to parents and professionals in your community to raise awareness about child exploitation and how to recognise the signs that a child might be at risk. This film draws on the lived experiences of parents affected by child exploitation.
We have developed helpful guides for professionals from supporting parents through the judicial process and working alongside the police.
Useful guides
Have a look at our Information and Advice Centre for detailed guides about child exploitation.
Supporting parents and carers guide: Centre of expertise on child sexual abuse
Communicating with children guide: Centre of expertise on child sexual abuse