We are facing unprecedented times as a charity and we are reaching out to all of our supporters to ask for your help this Christmas.
Very sadly this year we have seen an increase in demand for our parent support and we continue to face rising costs with the imminent changes to national insurance.
We desperately want to keep our doors open for every family who needs us, so if you are able to donate this Christmas, we would be so grateful.
Our recently published research shows the incredible difference we can have for the futures of children when we invest in early intervention, ensuring parents are at the heart of our safeguarding approach.
This year, for families like Ada’s, our parent support service has been a lifeline:
“There have been times when my daughter has cut herself again, I felt like I couldn’t keep her safe, or bring her back, I just felt completely lost. My support worker always gave me hope, and belief that we could get through it. She helped my family in so many ways, she won’t ever know how much her support meant to us.”
Help us be there for families, and give children the safety and futures they deserve.
Lindsay Dalton
Chief Executive