Sophie’s story

I am writing this article to share with you my journey as a parent of a child who was sexually exploited. During the process of working with social care and the police, I felt incredibly isolated and judged by professionals due to being a professional myself. However, working with Ivison Trust, has allowed me to have a voice and share my journey with professionals, which in turn will hopefully bring about change, for the way parents are treated in the future.

Having the opportunity to share my journey with professionals in a safe and learning environment has been incredibly important to me, not just for the learning of missed opportunities and unpicking and breaking down the bias, but also for my own healing.

I have found the reaction from professionals very positive and those that have responded either verbally or within written feedback allows me to understand that I have been heard and change within practice and protocol will take place. This with the view to protect the parents, who in turn are also victims of this vile crime.

While I write extremely positively about the support received from the staff at Ivison Trust to enable me to deliver and share my story, I must acknowledge the pain and heartache reliving this journey has on my mental health and well-being. Reliving my story, has a huge impact on my overall welling and ability to communicate with my family after the sessions. In a nutshell, it is exhausting!

The overall feeling after completing the presentation is almost euphoric. Knowing that sharing my very sad story, could bring about change, makes me feel like I have accomplished the support of the next generation of parents needing support, advice, comfort and to not be blamed or judged.

I would also like to add that having the opportunity to meet other parents that have gone through similar journeys allows me to feel less alone (sadly). Unfortunately, although we are different families in different locations around the country, our stories are very similar.

My final note links to the thanks I would like to share. It absolutely has to go to Ivison Trust, ‘thank you for saving me and giving me a voice’. I will be forever grateful for the support that Ivison Trust gives me and continues to offer to other families. Thank you.