A Dad’s Story

“It’s difficult for me to speak objectively or professionally about Ivison Trust because the experience is too powerful. When something happens to your child, you feel like you’re dying. By the time I found the charity I was feeling suicidal and they saved my life. The intensity of the relationship created between me and the charity can’t be understated. I’ve been involved with the charity for about 10 years now, and we’ve grown, changed and learnt together. I like to think we have helped shape each other. I’ve worked with many agencies, individuals, organisations, local authorities and with government in trying to create changes – but the most consistent partnership has been with Ivison Trust- and it’s through that connection I’ve learnt to live and grow again and not be in such pain anymore. At times, I’ve had to withdraw from the charity and find my own source of peace and self-care, have time for reflection and grow on my own. I think that’s healthy. I’m back working with and supporting parent action in the charity again.”