Parent’s Charter
This charter has been developed by parents in partnership with Pace whose children have been affected by online abuse, sexual exploitation and criminal exploitation.
As parents affected by child exploitation we deserve:
Respectful partnerships
- To be believed
- To be valued and respected as an advocate for our child
- To be acknowledged as a valuable source of information and support
- To be included as a safeguarding partner
- Acceptance that we and our families are the victims of crime. Unless there is evidence to the contrary, neither parents or their children are responsible for exploitation
- Recognition that our family as a whole has been impacted and likely traumatised by exploitation
- Reassurance that professionals have been trained on child exploitation, the dynamics of abuse, the impact of trauma and the perspective of parents
- A safeguarding partnership that has a trauma-informed, supportive approach to affected families*
- An understanding of the challenges and risks for the child and family in making disclosures
- Agencies respond with a sense of urgency and creativity to indicators of risk
- A focus on those responsible for the exploitation, including gathering information and intelligence and utilising disruptive legislature.
- Assurance that risks to our family caused by disclosures, information sharing and investigations will be minimised
- Access to out of hours, transition to adult services and post court support
- The option of a support advocate when engaging with statutory services
- Access and support, if necessary, for our child to be relocated to safe, specialised accommodation or for our family to be moved out of the area.
- For exploited children to be safeguarded up to 18 years old.
- For concerns, information and intelligence to be recorded
- For information to be shared to enable us to fully engage
- For reports and minutes of meetings to be accurate and based on fact
- For our views to be recorded
- For information to be shared with relevant bodies in different regions when necessary
- For professionals to be aware of relevant legislation that will strengthen the protection of exploited children
- Involvement in the decisions and plans affecting our families
- For the key lead to maintain a chronology of concerns, indicators and events and for this information to be handed over effectively when there is a change in management
- To be kept updated about what is happening and the progress of actions agreed
- To be consulted about the effectiveness of interventions.
- A space to safely explore the challenges and process the impact of child exploitation
- To be reminded of our family strengths
- Information to understand exploitation and the needs of our children
- Guidance and information about roles, responsibilities, policies and procedures
- Appropriate signposting to relevant support services
- Support in maintaining our family relationships and strengthening our networks of support.
Download the Parent’s Charter