Parent participation update, January 2024
Dear parents and carers, a very warm welcome to you all and a happy new year! To know more about how parents and Pace (now known as Ivison Trust) have been working together to create change, or to get involved in future events- read on.
Update and upcoming coming calendar of events-
Pace’s name has now changed to Ivison Trust. Irene Ivison was an affected parent who, alongside other parents, founded our charity and we wanted to acknowledge her within the title of the charity.
For those of you who took part in the parent open group, a huge thanks for highlighting the challenges so many families face with regards to education. Ivison Trust has decided to make this part of our next campaign and is currently working in partnership and alone to research this issue. We will keep you updated as we progress.
Here are some of the fabulous upcoming events and projects for 2024. If you would like to become part of parent participation, share ideas, or express an interest in any of these projects please contact Nancy, the parent participation coordinator at Ivison Trust via email or mobile 07960 235638
1. Participation Peer Support Groups. In late January we are due to launch online support events for parents joining parent participation who have not been supported by Pace. We recognise the value of parent network events and the validation and support that parent peers provide.
2. Research feedback- the university of Portsmouth will provide a mini online presentation about the research they undertook regarding the links between SEND young people, child exploitation and human trafficking in February 2024.
3. Cuppa and catch up- We are due to trial an online peer connection space for parents accessing parent participation. Dates to be confirmed.
4. Parent led training- parents who expressed interest will be preparing to deliver lived experience training to professionals initially at a conference on 21st March and then online.
5. Peer support re activism- as many parents are becoming active in their local areas in providing awareness raising or peer support groups, we are looking to set up online spaces for parents to connect on this issue.
6. Parent Open Group- hopefully we will have an in person meeting in Leeds in April.
7. Train the trainer- In June we are looking to finalise a programme to support parents who wish to deliver awareness raising on child exploitation in their local communities.
From September 2023 to January 2024 a huge thanks, garland of flowers and confetti of hearts to the absolute legends who made the following possible-
1. The parent who has supported the parent webinars about child criminal exploitation
2. The parents who have been guest speakers in Pace’s training and continue to change minds and hearts of professionals
3. The parents who gave feedback to the N.Yorks campaign CE awareness titles.
4. The parents who gave feedback via a survey and focus group to help Pace improve the parent forum
5. Parents who attended the political focus group
6. The parents who contributed articles for the parent newsletter
7. The parents who have created video resources for our funders, webinars and training.
8. The parents who shared their experiences at Pace’s rebrand
9. The parents and their daughter and son who shared their experiences at Pace’s Parent Network Event.
10. The parents who have consulted with the police to support police training.
11. We currently have 53 parents and carers signed on to parent participation and 110 signed up to receive the parent newsletter.
‘The parents speakers were fantastic and it really hit home the affects that has on the family. I really enjoyed this element of the training and actually hearing first-hand how CSE has impacted lives. I wish it went on for longer and we could have asked more questions. It really made me think how social care impacts families and looking at my role as a CSE worker within social care how my job could make a difference to the young people I work with so I do feel that this has really helped me.’
Attendee at Ivison Trust’s training.
Please get in touch if you could like to get involved with any of our upcoming training, open groups and consultations.
Nancy Pike,
Parent Participation Coordinator