CEO update – Parent Participation


Ivison Trust was awarded the GSK King’s Fund award along with 10 other charities for its impact on health outcomes. We were also delighted to be selected as the overall winner on the night. It was a huge honour, but importantly, it provided the platform to shine a light on child exploitation and the issues affecting families and, echoing Nancy, a huge thank you to the parent who shared her family’s experiences with the assessors and then, in the film.

We have been delivering free online awareness webinars in multiple areas and have seen record numbers of parents sign up. In the London boroughs, for June, we had over 1500. Raising awareness of child exploitation and support available to families is central to the charity’s aims, so seeing such high numbers is fantastic in helping us achieve our goal. Thank you to the three parents who co-facilitated the webinars. Overwhelmingly, all the positive feedback is directed at the parent speakers.

Having parents deliver on all our awareness-raising sessions and training is key in modelling the partnership that is needed between services and parents in tackling child exploitation. Challenging the stigma and myths that exist about families affected by this heinous crime. All the parents involved in all roles play a huge part in changing practice, and we are so fortunate to have you all.